G.M. Jr
A United States Marine
Mr. Heben,
I recently attended your presentation at the Stow Library. First I would like to say thank you. Not only for your service but also to take time out of your schedule to meet with the general public sharing your knowledge and experiences.
I wanted to talk to you after but I figured that was a good time for civies to really learn something. I figured I could find you if I needed to say something. I didn't know what to expect, one being in the military (MARINES) and two never meeting a SEAL. I figured it was safe to say you weren't going to show us pictures of what different caliber rounds do to a targets head haha (met some crazy Marines).
What I took away from it was a good start on adjusting my life. Accepting my choices and regrets from the MARINES, living as a civilian again etc. You talked about assessing situations such as targets and locations, always evaluating your options. This is how my mind works now as well, and I accept there is no on/off switch. I think part of why it affects my everyday life is because I'm still green... I was never deployed. I have been trying to figure out what I am supposed to do now. Like you, I know I can never work the regular 9-5 suit and tie job.
I've thought for years on what I should do to move on and take the control back from my life. Should I join the Police? Should I work as a contractor in the private sector? Should I find companies who offer advanced training and tactics, learning more and re-immersing myself in a military/tactical environment?... I still dont know the answer to that but I'm actively seeking it... My warrior spirit is unwavering.
Until I find the answer I try to give back to the community, recently by coaching High School football and wrestling over at Woodridge High School. So that's the quick version and now my real question, and what I wanted to ask you after your presentation... Do you have any suggestions on taking my life back post military?
How to gel it all together because I feel more like I'm on auto pilot sometimes and I need to become stronger. Not only for myself, but for the same reason I joined the Marine Corps in the first place, to protect my family and those around me who cannot protect themselves. I'm not some brainwashed half-psycho-hardcharger, I'm smart enough and free thinking enough to realize when I'm being mind f*&#$@... what I want is full control again. Any suggestions or advice would be EXTREMELY appreciated.
I wouldn't have even bothered writing this if i didn't feel like you could help in some way. You appear to have achieved a Zen-like merger of everything, and you are balanced like Yin and Yang. You could as easily take life as you have the ability to heal and protect, what I'm seeking is the same balance and acceptance in my life. I need a new direction.
I hope to hear back from you but if I dont and this email does reach you, thank you for your time and thank you from listening. If you're still kicking in doors behind the scenes, stay safe and shoot straight. Good luck with your company and the rest of your future endeavors. GOD keeps us all.
G.M. Jr.
Your warrior tat is the true! Makes my K-Bar tat look like a paring knife in comparison lol Its a great piece of art.
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